Author Guidelines

The author guidelines from the document "Template Jurnal Agrotech 2023" include the following sections and formatting instructions:

  1. Title and Author Information:

    • The title of the article should be a maximum of 15 words, providing a clear overview of the research conducted.
    • Use Times New Roman, size 14, single-spaced, with 12 pt spacing after the title.
    • List the authors' names and affiliations, with the corresponding author’s email address provided.
  2. Abstract:

    • The abstract should be in English, including the research topic or problem, purpose, method, results, and implications.
    • It should be one paragraph, between 150-200 words.
    • Keywords should consist of 5 words, separated by commas.
  3. Introduction:

    • Written in Times New Roman, size 12.
    • Line spacing is set to 1.15, with 0 pt before and 12 pt after.
    • The introduction should be between one and two pages, including the research background, problem statement, research objectives, and should not have sub-headings.
    • Citations from books and articles should use Mendeley and follow APA style, with references from journals no older than 5 years and books no older than 10 years.
  4. Research Method:

    • Written in Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.15 line spacing, and 0 pt before and 12 pt after.
    • Describes the research procedure, including the type of research, sample details, data analysis tools, and methods without numbering.
  5. Results and Discussion:

    • Written in Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.15 line spacing, and 0 pt before and 12 pt after.
    • Should provide a concise analysis of the data, avoiding extensive tables, with a focus on processed summaries.
  6. Conclusion and Suggestions:

    • Written in Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.15 line spacing, and 0 pt before and 12 pt after.
    • Summarizes the research findings and provides recommendations for future research.
  7. References:

    • Written in Times New Roman, size 12, with single line spacing, and 0 pt before and 12 pt after.
    • Follow APA style for citations.

Example references:

  • Abdillah D. (2017). Analysis of Factors Driving and Pulling Tourists to Visit Northern Bali. Indonesian Tourism Journal: Research and Development of Indonesian Tourism 12(1), 81-110.
  • Liu Shanhong. (2020). Global Consumer Virtual Reality Market Size 2016-2023. Available at: Statista accessed June 2020.
  • Oren G., Shani A., & Poria Y. (2019). Mortality Salience – Shedding Light on the Dark Experience. Journal of Heritage Tourism 14(5-6), 574-578.
  • Schiffman L. G., Kanuk L. L., & Wisenblit J. (2009). Consumer Behavior (10th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson.

For further details, refer to the full document "Template Jurnal Agrotech 2023"